Thursday 6 April 2017

Friendly faces

Hi guys ,

How is everyone keeping ? do you ever find you have weeks were you just can't deal with life !!!

Does a situation happen where you just stand back and go could i have done more , could i have stopped that from happening ,did i ignore the warning signs.Sometimes life throws you awful curve balls and it can be hard to recover .

I find having a good support system can help and although we all love our parents and our siblings sometimes your friends are the people who truly know you inside and out .

I never believed my sister when she said " by  the time you leave school you will be able to count your friends on one hand" but when I sit down a think about friends who i really trust there's probably about five to six people who I'm 100% comfortable with .

I think in each group of friends there's always certain personalities E.G the funny one , flirty one , smart one , Stupid one , sporty one and the all rounder of course there is the exception to the rule ! Ever wonder which friend you are ?? I'd like to think I'm a good friend but of course only my friends can answer that :)

I have my friend Bridget who I've known literally my whole life we grew up together side by side we even had matching jackets the whole shabang .  Bridget is that mate who we could go a year without crossing paths but the minute the phone rings or she needs me you are there no questions asked and no judgement  made those friends are very rare now i find as friends have come recycle-able , I adore our friendship and hope were in each others life always.

                                                   She is the most beautiful person inside and out
                                                    Was so grateful to be part of her big day

Then there's the unexpected friend , my friend Lauren who i love so much she's so funny and she just gets me . Myself and Lauren went to school together but only really built our friendship after school but people always wonder how were friends as we seem like complete opposites but were so not she's just as made as i am hahaha , She is a great friend and a fantastic mother , again me and Lauren don't always see each other but when we do he gossip is good !

                                           Isabelle ( inside joke ) were always laughing

The oldie but goodie friend , my share a birthday pal Ciara we started working together over 6 years ago and from the minute we met a friendship formed especially when we found out we share the same date of birth but she's one year older of course ( had to throw that in there ) . Ciara is trustworthy and would give you  the clothes of her back if she thought that would help you , a loyal friend is hard to find specially  with all the snakes in the grass . Plus Ciara introduced me to Janice who is my wing woman on night's out is funny and out straight and a great dance partner hahah we love our shilling nights so sometimes friendships blossom in the most random ways so different friendships suit different requirements and that's okay too

                                                           love her so much
she has amazing legs !!! she never believes me 
All we do is dance dance dance hahaha 

The newbies , there's a few times in life were you come across people and click with them instantly and when i get this feeling i don't mind investing the time in building a friendship , like a woman i work with Orla we just got along instantly and we know how to have a good time , but i always say trust your gut feeling in any relationship , Orla is up front and out straight and i respect her for that .
                                                                she is nuts , got any ?

I could mention a lot of friends here some old , some new as each brings something unique to the table  but these are the ladies who stick by you through thick and thin , my mam sandy  my sister Carol and my sister in law Amy and my .soon to be sissy in law Clare of course are some of my best friends  in this entire world and these women have guided me though my life and help me out in ways the don't even know how . They have given me my nieces and a nephew which are the greatest loves of my life they make me so happy .
                                                       my mam is my rock
                                                 my family  i love unconditionally
my first sister in law , who i love my other doesn't do photos 
                                                       three people who always have my back

Just remember you are suppose to put work and effort into friendships like you would a relationship but a true friend will never give up on you , they might get fed up of hearing " i cant make it " or " not tonight " but they will always have your back ! The people who defend you even when your not there to defend yourself are the people you need in your corner

I would rather be able to count my friends on one hand than have hundreds who don't give a a dam about me , friendships are give and take don't be used for your kindness or taken for a fool , friends will differ in opinions and men always make sure hahaha .

this is a tribute to my great friends who i don't always tell them i appreciate them and thanks for putting up with  me :):)

Have you told your bestie you love them ?

Hope the weekend is good to you all as usual I'm on facebook ; Glamandglitzybitz
                                                                                   Insta        ; Glamandglitzybitz
                                                                                   Snapchat ; Glamglitzybitz

Mwah XxX

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